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PF$: Warner Bros. Pull Gangster Squad Trailers From All Pre-Showings of Dark Knight Rises

In light of Colorado’s movie theater massacre, Warner Bros has decided to pull Gangster Squad trailers from all showings of The Dark Knight Rises.

Though fans will miss Ryan Gosling’s seductive face and Sean Penn’s bad*ss skills, movie-goers will be spared the horrific scene showing gangsters shooting up a terrified movie theater.

Smart call, WB…

Oh and FYI — the studio has confirmed that the trailer in question did not run before last night’s Aurora showing. Inneresting!

PF$: Warner Bros. pulls “Gangster Squad” trailer that features movie-theater shooting

My colleagues over in Style report that Warner Brothers has pulled a trailer for another movie, “Gangster Squad,” that featured a scene of gunman opening fire in Grauman’s Chinese Theater in Hollywood.

You can read their full post on The Style Blog: “Dark Knight Rises” shooting: “Gangster Squad” trailer that featured movie-theater shooting pulled